US Pavilion
Biennale Architettura 2023
May 20–November 26

Eating the Future

What does it mean to say that plastic is “everlasting”? It is certainly chronophagic, a time-wasting—and even time-eating—material. Composed of fossil fuels, plastic requires millions of years to make. It is then often used for only a month in the form of packaging or, in the case of more durable consumer goods, like clothing, for only a few years before breaking or tearing. This cycle of production compresses deep time into an eternal—and eternally replicating—present. In fact, plastic encourages a fleeting present that consumes time. And then, what of the future?

How long plastic will endure is an open-ended question, unknown and subject to many variables, including chemical composition, exposure to sun and wind, erosion, the kinds of animals that encounter it, and where it ends up. While various forms of bacteria and mycelium have now evolved to feed off of the vast stores of energy contained in plastics, pointing to an unknown horizon for the potential decomposition of plastic, these are not solutions to the wider problem of plastic pollution.For evidence of the various kinds of “plastic-eating” bacteria and fungi, alongside the limitations of this approach, see Carrie Arnold, “This Bug Can Eat Plastic: But Can It Clean Up Our Mess?” National Geographic, April 24, 2017, link; Kumar Harshvardhan and Bhavanath Jha, “Biodegradation of Low-Density Polyethylene by Marine Bacteria from Pelagic Waters, Arabian Sea, India,” Marine Pollution Bulletin 77, no. 1–2 (2013): 100–106; Jonathan Russell et al., “Biodegradation of Polyester Polyurethane by Endophytic Fungi,” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77, no. 17 (July 2011); Jun Yang et al., “Evidence of Polyethylene Biodegradation by Bacterial Strains from the Guts of Plastic-Eating Waxworms,” Environmental Science and Technology 48, no. 23 (2014): 13776–13784; Shosuke Yoshida et al., “A Bacterium That Degrades and Assimilates Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate),” Science 351, no. 6278 (March 11, 2016): 1196–1199. The duration of most plastics and their chemical legacies are predicted to extend well beyond the lifespan of any person, and implicate all beings, many generations into the future. Plastic is thus central to worlds to come—even if production were to end now. “Everlasting,” then, could be understood not only in geologic time but also in the time of people’s lives: “everlasting” as a kind of inheritance.

Due to this recalcitrance, plastic deeply conditions the possibilities of intergenerational time. The cultures of extractive capitalism and colonialism attendant to plastic will remain a material reality for a very long time. This is happening on an intimate level through the imposition of petrochemicals into people’s bodies. Some endocrine-disrupting chemicals are known to alter the gametes of fetuses, meaning that a person two generations down the line could be affected by chemical exposure. Plastic is claiming and conditioning future bodies before they are even conceived, and this is happening differentially, with Black, Indigenous, and low-income communities most affected. In this way, the ongoing realities of settler colonialism and the afterlives of slavery are being written into the future, eating the future just as they have ravaged the past.

People will no doubt find ways of thriving, but the material enmeshment of fossil fuels with racist, classist, and colonial policies persists in these chemical legacies. “Everlasting,” then, might warn of the continued reinvestment in the production of plastics and its colonial frameworks: “everlasting” not as a statement of eternity but as a conditioning of the future for so many beings, the promise of a material that has come back to haunt our ongoing present.


For evidence of the various kinds of “plastic-eating” bacteria and fungi, alongside the limitations of this approach, see Carrie Arnold, “This Bug Can Eat Plastic: But Can It Clean Up Our Mess?” National Geographic, April 24, 2017, link; Kumar Harshvardhan and Bhavanath Jha, “Biodegradation of Low-Density Polyethylene by Marine Bacteria from Pelagic Waters, Arabian Sea, India,” Marine Pollution Bulletin 77, no. 1–2 (2013): 100–106; Jonathan Russell et al., “Biodegradation of Polyester Polyurethane by Endophytic Fungi,” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77, no. 17 (July 2011); Jun Yang et al., “Evidence of Polyethylene Biodegradation by Bacterial Strains from the Guts of Plastic-Eating Waxworms,” Environmental Science and Technology 48, no. 23 (2014): 13776–13784; Shosuke Yoshida et al., “A Bacterium That Degrades and Assimilates Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate),” Science 351, no. 6278 (March 11, 2016): 1196–1199.

Sketches on Everlasting Plastics, Edited by Isabelle Kirkham-Lewitt + Joanna Joseph, Columbia Books on Architecture and the City

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